Make a difference. Be the Change.

Earth-friendly Holiday Traditions.

This holiday season...

Meet Andrea Rose Co-Founder of Living With Harmony and the Planet-based Living Festival. Join her as she encounters situations in her daily life and observes how many of our habits and rituals are not very earth friendly. Motivated to do some research and give things a lot of thought, she is always has some suggestions for alternative actions that are kinder to the planet.

Ending the War on Leaves.

Every fall...

Nature’s Own Packaging is Best

Fruits and vegetables like butternut squash come naturally packed in their own skins, yet for a little convenience, many are sold cut up and ready-to-use in plastic packaging. Not only does this generate a lot of unnecessary plastic waste, but the packaged food goes bad so much faster thus generating a lot of food waste as well.

One Bad Berry Spoils the Whole Bunch.
